Tuesday, August 31, 2010

PhotoShop Tutorial 6

I rather liked this tutorial because of the wind effect blowing on the text. Looking back at it, my color choices could have been better had I known this would be the outcome.  I also could have come up with a more creative word other than "thunder", but I'm not going to sit here complaining over nothing. In the future I may use this effect for future projects, say a Power Point Presentation that I want to improve or on my website later on.  One thing is for sure however I definitely need to improve my skills on the tutorial.

PhotoShop Tutorial 7

In this picture, however similar it may seem to the other one done in tutorial 67, is much different. In this project I merely took the image of a white water lily and morphed it into looking like a hand sketched image. Though I'm not particularly keen on the fact that the black tends to clump together and then spread apart, it does give it that pointillism look.  Having a more defined line where the dots are compacted together and a less defined area where the points are well spaced apart.  In the future, I may wish to use this project as a reference for when my little cousins want to color on a coloring page and they don't have one, I can look back at this and remember exactly how I did this.

PhotoShop Tutorial 84

This project, though it may look relatively simple, I had slight difficulties with.  The main reason being is that I think I made a mistake along the way on the first time around. I liked it, doing this project taught me that sometimes I need to slow down and analyze what I am doing rather than just rushing into a project. I may use this project later on, if I ever decided to use a "bad code" background on a project or give it some defined features. I am sure that in the future when I learn more about the Photo Shop Applications I will be able to improve this project greatly.

Friday, August 27, 2010

PhotoShop Tutorial 26

This is the second to last of my tutorials and one of the easier, well I thought it was one of the easier, projects. Though it was easy it still gave me a lot of in site on which tools and icons go for each settings. I learned how to blend the colors in the text, how to center it as opposed to having it in the top left corner.  I could probably use this project as a reference in some of my other projects done using the Photo shop application in my multi-media class, just to remind me of how I did this and maybe even later how I could improve this project.

PhotoShop Tutorial 67

This one out of all of them has to be my favorite. The simple reason because this one was the picture that I used to explore some new tools. First I got the picture of a water lily and then I edited it to give it that "hand drawn" feel, or at least I think it looks that way. And then I went back to following the directions by adding that rainbow, I do admire the colors because before it looked like a simple water lily. Now, however, I think it looks above and beyond with the radiant colors. Again, I say that this one is most defiantly my favorite photo shopped picture ... along with the one of the music notes I posted on the 1-5 tutorials.